Sunday 8 July 2018

Six Month Review

Let me take you back to the beginning of 2018.

I'm sure, like many others, I set some targets on what I wanted to achieve this year and if I'm being honest, I probably haven't checked back on them as much as I should have!

That is until now and I thought doing a little six month review would be a great way to have a look at what I have achieved, and also what I haven't even looked at. I know that it's not too late and I still have plenty of time to binge watch American Horror Story. That is if I ever actually come into the 21st century and finally get Netflix.

Let's get stuck right in shall we?

1.Visit a new country

First up I was a bit of cheat, Back in November 2017 I had booked my flights to Thailand so I knew that visiting a country I had never been to was definitely going to happen. However, I did not know that I would also be visiting Spain and Hungary! I've been incredibly lucky this year with the amount of holidays I have been on. It has also now made me want to set a new target of visiting 30 countries before I turn 30. I might be pushing it a bit, but hey, you can't blame a girl for trying!

 2. Blog more

This is one that I really could have worked harder on. Like I stated in one of my previous posts, regarding putting too much pressure on ourselves, I often find that a couple of weeks will go by and I haven't posted anything new! This is something however that I hope to improve on in the next six months. I have new blog post ideas bursting out of my head so hopefully I will get better at sharing them with you.

One thing I do struggle with though is finding the right photos to go with my posts. I would like to get a lot more outfit pictures so if you're a photographer out there and wanting to work more with bloggers, please do let me know!

3. Challenge myself

Again, this is one I have neglected a little. Regarding my blog, I do not think I have challenged myself at all. However, at work I have been on a couple of courses to improve my marketing skills and even attended one just the other week.

I do feel like I go out more now than I used to, and I have been trying new things. Because of this I have been a lot happier. I am one of these people who find it hard to sit in the house all day doing nothing. I will happily continue to spend the majority of my wages on eating out.

I'm not going to beat myself up about this one too much. I feel that if I do start to concentrate on my blog more and produce more, high quality content that will be a big thumbs up for myself.

4. Exercise more

I don't know who I thought I was when I wrote this one down! I had a mad couple of weeks before I went to Thailand when I went out on a couple of runs. Since then, nothing! This is something I should get back into because once I had been for a run I felt great for doing so! I'm really lucky with where I live too as there are plenty of places to go.

Exercise more... to be continued.

5. Watch more television series

As I mentioned at the beginning, I am yet to get past season 3 of American Horror Story, and yet to start any other series for that matter!

For some reason I just can't seem to push myself to sign up for Netflix. Because I am so busy I hate the thought of getting it, and then not watching anything for months on end. I know it doesn't cost an arm and a leg but still, it's money I'd rather have in my account.

We have a couple of box sets lying around the flat so I might get started on them first!

I did however make another similar resolution to this one that I didn't mention in my original post. By the end of the year I want to have watched a new film that I haven't seen before every week. I am doing pretty well with this one, and I am on schedule having seen 28 new ones!

Looking back, I have only really met one of my five new years resolutions! However, I have managed to complete the one which would be the hardest.

The next six months, I am going to be committed to meeting the goals by the end of the year, gimme six months and I guarantee I will have a very different post for you!

How're you all getting on with your new years resolutions? I'd love to hear from you and remember not to beat yourself up too much if you also haven't achieved as much as you'd have liked to. You have six months left to change that!