Tuesday 11 September 2018

August Round Up

I can't decide if August has flown by or taken it's time. I have done so much that I find it hard to believe that I managed to fit it all in one month. But I did, and here it is.

From FriendsFest round 2, an amazing 5 days in Budapest to moving to London and starting a new job. It has been pretty significant and I'm glad I decided to start putting this feature together as it will give you an insight into what a whirlwind it has been. 

Let's get to it!

Right at the start of the month my Mum and I paid a visit to Chaat Cart in Marple. I've only eaten here a couple of times but it is always amazing!

A little bit of explanation on the photo of my Mother she didn't want her face showing, so this was the best I got. This is also why I love her so much.

I'm not going to lie, I think we look pretty damn good.

If you want a post all about FriendsFest you can find the one I did last year here. It was again, amazing. With new memorabilia, and even Ross' apartment to have a wonder round. We squeezed in a hot chocolate at Central Perk (I know it doesn't quite have the same ring it to) and sampled the incredible pizza. Surprisingly, I did not order a Joey special. 

Actual candid photo.

Towards the end of July I was offered the Events and Marketing Coordinator position at Raleigh International. A charity a lot of you will know means an awful lot to me. 

Of course before upping and moving my life to London I had to have a barbecue focused on eating, drinking, laughing and singing my heart out to Kanye at 1am.   

Years back Manchester had the Cow Parade which meant I spent many days with my auntie walking around town trying to find as many different cows as I possibly could. 

Sadly, I didn't have as much time to focus on doing the same for the bees. I am however, pretty happy with the ones that I did find, even if it was just a small handful!

Eating out is my favourite thing to do. Hats off to Zizzi's who can tell me how many calories are in each meal. Actually making dieting possible. Then I go home and eat a load of chocolate. 

More candid photos, not quite working out as well as the previous. I think I was half way through saying, 'the bus is coming'. 


This year I visited Sziget for the first time and I was so impressed. I would say it is one of the best festivals I have been to and the line up was amazing! More on Sziget and Budapest coming soon! But as a head start, if you're looking to go abroad next year for a festival, this should be the one.

I love him. Nothing more needs to be said.

Still love him.

There are no words to describe her.

I had the absolute best time with these two. 

When we weren't at Sziget we took some time out to go exploring and made sure that we visited a ruin bar. 

This was one of my favourite parts of trip and the burgers were incredible. The ruin bars are the perfect place to just get lost in.

Playsuit, oldie but a goodie.

My last night in Manchester was spent with my old work buddies. The best part of the night by far was in Be At One taking advantage of 2 for 1 cocktails for three hours, oops. 

Still spending my money on eating out until I am officially poor.

My sister and I baked a vegan lemon drizzle, a couple of weeks living in London and I've changed already. It did taste great but I do think it would have been better without the coconut yoghurt on top. Show me the icing sugar next time. 

And finally, a view that I can see everyday of the working week. Yes my daily commute has more than doubled, yes I'm tired and yes I am coming to terms with the fact I am going to have to spend half my monthly salary on rent. But I do love London.