Monday 1 January 2018


First things first, Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had the most amazing time last night and celebrated and welcomed the new year in, in style!

Like most people at the beginning of the new year I think about what I want to get out of the next 12 months.

In all honestly, I can only really remember one of mine from last year and I know it didn't happen, so here's hoping 2018 will be a little bit more successful.

1. Visit a new country

Okay, so this one I am kind of cheating on as last year I booked flights to Thailand for May so I already knew that this was definitely going to happen! It is however something that will always be a new year's resolution as I want to visit as many countries as I can!

2. Blog more

Next month Setting the Style turns one! I can't quite believe how quickly it has gone! I enjoy blogging so much but sometimes life does get in the way. This year I want to focus more on my blog and ensure that there is always fresh new content, not only because I love doing it but so I can keep all you lovely readers happy!

3. Challenge myself

I'm always trying to better myself, whether that's at work or with my blog. I do sometimes get comfortable with where I am and need to remember to keep pushing myself. 2018 is going to be for pushing the boundaries and ensuring I get the most out of the year in a variety of ways.

Somethings might be scary but that’ll mean I’m stepping outside of my comfort zone and working towards this resolution.

4. Exercise more

When it comes to fitness, I am the laziest person going. Last year I managed to lose a stone in weight and felt amazing afterwards. Sadly, I cannot say this was due to hammering the gym or even taking part in Park Run on a Saturday morning. I am however aware that I do need to exercise more, especially if I want to lift my chocolate ban!

I am wanting to achieve reaching 10,000 steps a day more often, sadly at the moment even doing laps around the Trafford Centre isn’t helping me get close.

5. Watch more television series

As mad as this sounds I often don't find time to watch many boxsets, and here it goes, I don't have Netflix...

Since April last year I am still only half way through the Coven series of American Horror Story and my lists of box sets I have never even seen include, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad or Stranger Things to name only a few!

I think it's about time I dedicated a little time to seeing what all the fuss is about and biting the bullet and actually signing up to Netflix.

So there's my five resolutions for this year! I'd love to hear from you and find out what you want to get out of 2018.

If you have any recommendations on where to visit in Thailand, can let me know about any beginners exercise routines, or box sets which I can indulge in it'd be greatly appreciated!

Happy 2018 everyone! Remember you’ll get as much out of it as you put in so make it a good one!


Vitaltelecoms said...

I'm going on my second @freshwalks walk on 12th January...great exercise. I'm given to understand that some employers even let their staff have time off for these to network! Recommend The Good Doctor on Sky Atlantic for you! I'd get rid of Sky if it wasnt for the fantastic series they do!
Want to get into blogging more myself for NB Data, Vidicode UK and Flow.Stgo. Booked Tenerife, been to all the other Canary Islands....can't really do super interesting places as I have an 11 year old that wouldn't be's all about relaxation and meeting other families etc. for me at the moment. PS my private account is @nevetsyelboc

Setting the Style said...

Ahh I remember these being mentioned at the Twitter masterclass! They sound great!

The Good Doctor sounds very good, I'll give it a look! It's a plus that there has only been one series too, not lots to catch up on! However, if I get hooked I imagine I'll want to see more!

Sounds like you've got a lot planned, always good to keep busy though!

Tenerife sounds lovely, I've never been but I know a lot of people who have been and go back. It sounds perfect for what you want to get out of your holiday and as they get older you may find them wanting to travel further afield.

It's good to hear from you!