Thursday 12 October 2017

25 years

So tomorrow I turn 25 years old. 25... wow I really don't know where the time is going. This year has literally flown by.

I thought I'd mark this birthday with a little post included 25 things that I have learnt in my life. So let's not waste anymore time and get right to it!

1. Volunteering is one of the most rewarding things you can do

Some of you may know that in 2015 I travelled to Tanzania and volunteered with an amazing charity called Raleigh International. It was an incredible 10 weeks from trekking over 250km in 17 days to helping build an early childhood development centre to give children the best start to an education. It was hard work, don't get me wrong, but it was so amazingly rewarding.

2. It's okay to have a job that has nothing to do with your degree

For 4 years I was at university studying Fashion Communication and I've still not got a job in the fashion industry, but that's okay. I really enjoy my job and learn something new everyday so no time is wasted. As long as I'm progressing in my career, I'm happy.

3. Everyone needs to go to Ibiza at least once

I went from never really fancying it, to absolutely loving it and talking about booking a long weekend for 2018. And yes, it will be happening.

4. Hard work pays off

Alongside doing my blog, I have a full time job and I'm a Body Shop at Home consultant. I'm constantly busy but I wouldn't have it any other way and believe me hard work does not go unnoticed.

5. My wardrobe would be empty if Zara didn't exist

Hello, my name is Georgia and I'm a Zara-holic. Like most women, I am obsessed with Zara, and if it wasn't for this store, I'd be able to move through my wardrobe a hell of a lot easier.

6. Travel whenever you can

I'm fortunate that as a child I went abroad every year and as I grow up I want to continue to travel around the world as see as many places as possible. "I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list."

7. Eyelash tinting is a game changer

I'm so fair haired and naturally I have the blondest eyelashes you could imagine. It was only a couple of months ago that I got my lashes tinted for the first time and my god, I will never not have it done now. I can now welcome the occasional no make up day with open arms and not have to worry about people seeing me without mascara!

8. Charity shops are full of hidden treasures

For a couple of months this year I was working at a local Barnardo's store. Before this I'm not going to lie, I turned my nose up at charity shops. But since working in one, I've realised you can literally find all sorts of goodies if you take the time to look. Not only that but you are helping towards an amazing cause, win win.

9. A night out with the girls is always a good idea

Night out, night in. Whichever, there's nothing better than spending time with your favourite gals. Whether you need cheering up a bit, or just want to make your good mood even better, they'll always be there for you and do anything for you.

10. Boys are not worth crying over

Like at all, I know its easier said than done and we have all been there, but do not let them get you down. If they're dumb enough to not appreciate you then let's face it, it's time to say goodbye to that scrub.

11. Don't take your loved ones for granted

With all the terrible events that have happened this year I now try so hard to spend time with my favourite people. Everyone has busy lives, but you should never be too busy to make an effort.

12. Everyone's had a bad haircut

First year of uni, I decided to cut off what for me was a huge amount of my hair. As soon as I got home, I cried. Ever since then I find it hard to trust hairdressers and keep a very close eye on what they're doing. If you're going through that said haircut at the minute, try not to let it get you down and remember, hair grows!

13. Attending a music festival is one of the best weekends you'll have

I've been lucky enough that I've attended a fair few. Parklife, V Fest, T in the Park and Nos Alive in Portugal. Yes its better, when the sun is shining but what's a British festival without a little mud. Yes I did attend T in the Park that year where it didn't stop raining, at all. Just embrace it, and always take wellies.

14. Designer handbags ARE an investment

At this current moment in time, it's just me and my beloved Louis which I got for my 21st. Yes I would love more, and the Givenchy Antigona fund is still going strong. But when I finally have saved enough for that absolute beauty it will be an investment and I don't need to hear that spending £1,500 on a bag is too much...

15. Everyone needs a lazy day

So many times I have woken up at 12pm on a Sunday and felt like I've wasted my day off. But let's face it, we all need one of those days at some point and it is not the end of the world. Unless you're suffering from a horrific hangover and then it might feel like it just a little bit.

16. Do not compare yourself to others

I'm guilty of this one. I often find myself looking at people who have a more successful career than me, who are married or even own their own home. I feel this is something I am getting better at but there is still work to be done.

Everyone has different opportunities, I just need to remember to be grateful for mine.

17. Stay true to yourself

When I was younger I used to care about what people thought about how I dressed. Now, it's the least of my worries and that's whats so wonderful about blogging. Everyone is completely different, but wouldn't it be awful if we all dressed the same.

18. It's worth investing in pricey nail varnish

Throughout the years I have tried so many, and it's always so annoying when after the day you have painted them, they're chipped already. I can always rely on OPI to last at least a five days and that's good enough for me!

19. There's always time to watch Sex and the City

When the show first came out I was far too young to watch it. But after my sister took me to the cinema to see the first film, I was hooked. I know its not completly relatable, no I can't afford their designer clothing let alone, a flat in New York but there's nothing wrong with dreaming.

20. Losing weight makes you feel so much better

Let me take you back to February, I was the heaviest I had ever been and I refused to stay that way! After two months I had lost a stone and finally managed to fit back into so many of my clothes. Since then I have been a little bit up and down but I am determined to keep it up because it's always nice when you can fit in your jeans.

21. It's okay to be obsessed with Harry Potter

Ever since the films came out I have been hooked. J K Rowling made me fall in love with reading and now I love anything that's to do with this magical world and is absolutely not something I am going to 'grow out of'.  

22. Do something that scares you

Last month I went to Edinburgh and in a mad moment my friend and I thought it'd be a good idea to go into the dungeons, even though we hate anything scary. It did however, turn out to be a great experience and I'm so glad I managed to face my fears. Not sure if I'd put myself through another one though!

23. Florida is the most magical place in the World

From Disney World to Universal Studios there is so much magic I don't know where to begin. It is a holiday I would easily go on every year, if I had the funds!

24. Blogging is a great way to express yourself

When I'm writing my blog it all comes so naturally. I love sharing my thoughts and looks and can't wait to talk even more about my future travels and events. I know I've been a bit on the quiet side recently, but watch this space because I aim to be a lot louder now!

25. There's no time like the present

Here's to the next 25 years, of fun laughter and absolutely more travelling!

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