Monday 18 June 2018

Let's Stop Putting so Much Pressure on Ourselves

It's been a while since I posted on my blog and I am fully aware of it.

Truth is I have been incredibly busy and I just sadly haven't found the time to blog. Between spending two weeks in Thailand (which I will get round to telling you about at some point), my full time job and spending time with my friends and family, there hasn't been much time left to blog.

This industry is so competitive and you can often feel like you get a little lost in it. I look at other bloggers who post three times a week to their sites, alongside YouTube videos and posting daily coffee images to Instagram and it sometimes gets me down that I am not that active. However, for a lot of them blogging is their full time job so they have a lot more hours in the day to focus on producing new content and keeping their readers engaged. The amount of followers I lose if I don't post on Instagram for a week is ridiculous, but I just need to remind myself that I'm only human and there is only so much I can do!

Part of the reason why I haven't posted for a while is because I was struggling with content. I wasn't sure what I wanted to write about and I didn't even want to worry about what photographs I would use once I did have a light bulb subject moment.

These days we all put too much pressure on ourselves to show people that we're living the best, most exciting life, dressing in new clothes and catching monthly flights to somewhere more exotic that what actually has been, (so no sarcasm at the moment intended) sunny England.

In all honesty what I would love most at the moment is to be able to read through my backed up stack of Vogue subscriptions and ensure that I am home to watch the World Cup, although I'm up for a pint of cider in the pub if anyone fancies it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is make sure what you're doing day to day is exactly what you want to, even if that does mean staying in your pajamas watching Netflix instead of sitting out in the sun, while it lasts!

Now all I have to do in order to publish this post is to find some super fancy photos to go with it.

To kind of go against everything I have just said, I promise I have had a creative spurt and there will be new, regular content soon. But if I do fall off the bandwagon again please forgive me, I'm only human and I probably am watching Corrie or Graham Norton.

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