Thursday 18 October 2018

Budapest - Top 3 Things To Do

Back in August I had the absolute pleasure of spending 5 days in wonderful Budapest.

Originally this holiday was booked because after seeing the line up for Sziget festival, we simply couldn't say no. Having bought our tickets knowing that it would take up the full five nights that we were there, we made sure that there was time for sightseeing in the day, with the occasional and very much needed nap before heading back out to Sziget!

As many of you will know, I am open to travelling anywhere, particularly if it's somewhere I have never been before.

I don't know about you but I feel like certain city break destinations come in and out of 'style'. More people are booking weekends away to Budapest, Vienna and Prague for example. It's been quite a while since I heard someone say they're off to Paris for the weekend.

That being said, I guess I have kinda fallen in this crowd of trying somewhere new, but I am so glad that I did.

I wish we could have stayed a little longer, or even had a night off from Sziget in order to see the sights at night. But with the line up being so perfect, there wasn't a single night that we could have missed.

So we might not have got round to doing everything Budapest has to offer, but here are my top 3 to help you plan your trip.

1. Go to Sziget Festival

I know I have done nothing but bang on about Sziget already but it is honestly amazing! So much so that I am going to dedicate a full post to it, but a brief summary for now will have to do.

Having attended a festival in Portugal and a fair few in the UK I thought I would have an idea of what it would be like. I clearly didn't and it completely blew my mind.

You can either get tickets for the full week, yes seven days of amazing artists, or you can get tickets to suit you.

Even if you just got for the day it is something I would recommend to everyone. The line up is also so varied that there is bound to be someone you like playing.

Only problem if you do want to go to Sziget festival, you best get planning your trip to Budapest between Wednesday 7 August and Tuesday 13 August 2019.

2. Visit a Ruin Bar

This was something that my friend Becky mentioned she wanted to do and I'm so glad we did. After researching the area that was around us on one of our tourist days out, we realised we were very close to Szimpla Kert Bar.

There are so many different parts to these bars it's hard to know were to start.

From bars based on the periodic table, to seats made out of tyres and what can only be described as a tropical greenhouse in the middle of it all.

It's a hoarder's dream come true with so much to see. Plus the burgers were incredible.

The ruin bars are something you have to make time to do, even if it is just for a quick pint.

3. Spend your day at a Thermal Bath and Spa

The thermal baths were something I heard about before leaving for Budapest. It was one of these activities that I kind of thought yeah it'll be great if we get time to do it, but also no worries if not.

I had no idea what to expect. I've been to baths in Turkey where they do the whole scrubbing thing, fit in a message and also dunk yourself into a freezing cold pool. But when I also heard the word, 'sparty' I had an inkling that it would be something very different from that.

I would say it is a mix between lounging around your normal hotel pool and spending the day at Ibiza Rocks hotel. Everyone was there to just relax and have a good time. And a lot of people had the same idea as us, Thermal Bath in the day, Sziget at night.

The only thing I would suggest is paying slightly more to have your own area to get changed, because once it comes to drying off and attempting to put your clothes back on, there is not a lot of privacy!

Don't get me wrong, we did so much more in Budapest such as visiting the Castle District, Great Synagogue and touring the city on a hop on, hop off bus. But if I had to pick, I would do my top 3 things all over again!

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September Round Up

August Round Up

Saturday 6 October 2018

September Round Up

Every month I find myself thinking, I'm going to be better this month. I'll get more outfit photos and post more on my blog than the previous month. The beginning of September was no different.

However, now at the start of October, I discovered that September is always going to be one of my busiest months at work, alongside popping back home for two weekends and then spending the final days recovering from a cider induced headache. I slept and ate as much as I possibly could.

Let's see if October is going to be any different, I'm hoping so!

So September, like I said I travelled home for two weekends in a row, one for work, one for pleasure. But I equally have managed to do some London tourist activities while the novelty of living in the capital is still within me.

Let's have a look at what was involved shall we?

First time I've worn this beaut skirt from Zara!

Right at the start of the month my sister and I took a little trip into London to have a look at a Banksy exhibition that was on. Sadly, we only got to see this during it's final days otherwise I would have absolutely shared this with you sooner!

I don't know if this is just me, but I had no idea that he created sculptures. I probably should have known since he created Dismaland a couple of years ago! Please, don't judge me.

Anyway! It was a great opportunity to see his work in all forms. This event was free which I always think is amazing. I think it's a great idea to encourage people to go and see different forms of art; when there is no cost it hopefully motivates more people to do so.

We even got to see Balloon Girl without it shredding itself!

At the start of the month I feel like we were spoilt with the warm weather continuing! Taking advantage of this, my sister and I headed out to Richmond Park. One, to cheer on her boyfriend who was doing a 50 mile bike ride to raise money for Bloodwise, amazing, I know! Two, to use the opportunity to visit the park for the first time and be on look out for all the deer!

It's a really beautiful park and one that I hope I can visit more often. When I moved to London I had no idea that there was so many green areas! Not much different from Marple really!

London has so many bridges giving you the opportunity to see the city at different points along the Thames.


Next on my London tourist to do list was Hampton Court Palace. September has really been a learning month! History used to be one of my favorite subjects at school so getting chance to learn more about Henry VIII was right up my street. I had no idea that Hampton Court Palace used to be his 'holiday home'. I can't help but get jealous at the fact that the parties we throw are nowhere near as extravagant as the Tudors; equally I'm also glad that I don't have to worry about someone wanting to behead me!

After not even living in London for a month I found myself back home in Manchester for a work event. Taking full advantage that they paid for my train ticket I spent the weekend at home catching up with friends and family. 

What Sunday isn't complete without a roast courtesy of The Blue Pig, a pint of cider and catch up with your best mate, who has described me moving to London, like going through a break up, but our long distance relationship is going strong!

Managed to find an excuse to wear my favourite dress from Topshop again!

My second weekend at home was purely for pleasure! Helping one of my very close friends celebrate as she got married! Emma was one of the most beautiful brides I have ever seen and I'm so happy for her! Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Brodie!

I also had my first visit to Yard & Coop! Chicken lover if you haven't been, drop everything and go! The best chicken and chips I have had, complete with mac and cheese and an Oreo milkshake.

It is not however diet friendly and I was defeated by portion sizes, or the fact that I simply ordered too much food...

September saw me working late on quite a few occasions, giving me the chance to walk along the Thames and see the city all lit up.

Before my sister moved to London, many years ago, we used to be cinema buddies. It's nice that we can start doing this again. Last weekend we took a trip to the Everyman Cinema (these are all over the UK, not just in London!) to see King of Thieves accompanied by a Coke float and fresh cookie dough with ice cream. In my opinion it was a good film, not the best, but Michael Caine is still a national treasure.

Quite an outfit change from the start of the month, something I am very happy with! Here's to layering up and welcoming Autumn with open arms! This dress is perfect for all seasons, it's gone from 35 degree heat in Thailand to 12 degrees in London.

So that was September; it's only once I have written it all down that I realise how much I did actually get up to.

Here's to October! My birthday month!!

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