Sunday 3 December 2017

Christmas Wish List

For those of you who don't know this is my absolute favourite time of the year. From visiting the markets to decorating the flat so that it looks like Santa's Grotto. I simply can't get enough of this magical time of year.

Every year I start the big countdown after my birthday (mid October) but if I'm being completely honest I have a countdown app on my phone all year round.

A couple of week's ago my family started with the what would you like for Christmas questions. As I've got older I found it harder to answer this question and I'm sure many of you are the same.

I have had a think though and put together some things that I would love to unwrap on the big day.

Urban Decay - £39.50

I am fortunate enough that the Urban Decay Heat palette is the only one which I don't (currently) have.

For anyone who doesn't have any of them I highly recommend them! The first one I got was Naked 2 and for anyone who likes a more neutral look I think this is the best by far. Naked 3 however is creeping up closely as my love for pink continues to grow.

Topshop - £26

I'll be shocked to hear if there's anyone out there for doesn't want new pyjamas for Christmas!

I've seen this jumpsuit in store a couple of times now and I can't help but think how cosy it must be! Perfect for when you need something a little looser after your turkey dinner!

If jumpsuits/onesies aren't you thing, there is plenty of others to choose from at Topshop!

Amazon - £12.59

Last month I did something very exciting and booked flights to Thailand for May 2018! I want to travel as much as I possibly can and I think it's always helpful to have a guide book so that I don't miss out on anything!

I got a Lonely Planet guide book when I went to Tanzania in 2015 and it helped me to learn more about the country and even some Swahili! Hopefully this one will help me do the same and ensure I can see and do as much as possible for the two weeks that I'm there.

Office - £79.99

I love white trainers, and they're something that I always have. However, I can imagine like most other people they don't stay white for very long.

I'm guilty of only ever buying Adidas or Nike but sometimes it is nice to stick to what you know. For the past couple of years I have stuck to Superstars, however I think it's time for a change and these Tubular's are the perfect, comfy alternative!

The Perfume Shop - £24.50

Perfume is something I ask for every year. It's not something I tend to buy for myself so when it comes to my birthday or Christmas there will always be one on my list. As a massive Rihanna fan, I don't want to sound biased, but I love this perfume.

As far as perfumes go, it really is quite cheap and a perfect everyday one.

Marks & Spencer - £9.50

I always wear earrings and quite often like to wear a mix of ones that don't match. I'm not normally someone who clashes silver and gold, however I do think a mix of all these would look really nice together!

I've recently taken a real liking to Marks and Spencer for everything from clothing to accessories. These earrings are yet another product that means I won't stop shopping in there anytime soon.

Lindt - £10

Who doesn't want chocolate for Christmas?! If you can't fill your face with it in the month of December, when can you?

Lindt Lindor milk chocolate is my all time favourite and I think this packaging makes it even more special. What more can I say? I think it pretty much speaks for itself!

Givenchy - £1,590

When anyone asks me what I want for Christmas, this is the actual answer. This handbag is an absolute dream and will be on every wish list going until I actually own it.

Now I know, it's pricey and don't worry I don't ask anyone for it seriously thinking I will get it. However, if anyone out there has won the lottery and would like to treat me, I will take one please. Not sure where to find it? Don't worry, I've attached the link in the caption. Thank you in advance!

Are you one of these people who knows exactly what is it that they want this year? Please do let me know as I love to hear what everyone's wishing for this year.

Sunday 26 November 2017

Must Have Christmas Party Wear

Christmas party time is very much upon us and shopping for an outfit is something that people are going to either love or hate.

The good thing about a Christmas do is that every year, glitter and sequins are acceptable. But you don't need to feel like you have to wear something that screams look at me, believe it or not, a dress that can look a little more simplistic can also do the same job!

I'm one of these people who loves any excuse to dress up and luckily for me, I have my Christmas do dress ready and waiting. It doesn't contain glitter or sequins but I have mentioned that I feel like a princess in it so that's good enough for me!

Asos - £45

I thought I'd kick off this post with one of my favourite things, I love anything pearls at the minute! If you follow me on Instagram you'll see that I got a stunning pearl buttoned dress from Topshop last month.

If you're not a dress type person then this is the perfect alternative! It's still super feminine and let's face it, its classy. Also at £45, it's not a bad price!

Topshop - £10
Marks and Spencer - £35

And so the blush pink obsession continues. I thought these two could be perfect to follow the jumpsuit which will make a full look!

This is a link to the pink fluffy purse, but there is also a bag which is £25. I have got both the bag and these heels to complete my Christmas party look. I'm not the type of person who wears heels all the time and I very rarely stray away from my Kurt Geiger's on a night out, however, who doesn't like to try something a little different.

Lavish Alice - £95

Recently a lot of tuxedo style dresses have been coming out. I think these are a great look and come in a range of styles. Navy isn't really a colour I often wear, but my dress for this year is infact just that. If (like me) you do wear a lot of black it's a good alternative while staying in your comfort zone. Just because it's Chrsitmas  doesn't mean you have to go out in the brightest colours especially if it's not something you'd normally wear.

Whistles - £169

I thought I needed to add something that is a little pricier, as I will be lucky enough to be wearing a Whistles dress this year!

I love this and I think with the colour it's the perfect festive dress. The skirt on this dress is so flattering and I even have this style in my own wardrobe.

Topshop - £65

More pink, great style and luxury material, need I say more? Also great for anyone who wants to keep areas like the arms covered but it does still reveal a bit of skin with the open section at the back.

River Island - £68

Now I know, these aren't going to be everyone's cup of tea, however, for those of you who do love a bit of embellishment, look how pretty these are! With them being velvet I personally think they are very seasonal so you best get them on now to get your money's worth!

Pretty Little Thing - Blazer £18 - Trousers £12

With it being a Christmas party wear post I had to feature something red! Red isn't really my colour but I love the idea of wearing a suit! I think this outfit is the best value for money at only £30 all together.

Colour blocking outfits not really your thing? You can buy these pieces separate so all you have to do is pick the item you want!

LOTD - £18

And to finish off, the must have marble box clutch bag. Like many people, marble is a favourite of mine and this is a great subtle way of adding it to your finishing look.

A great match for almost any party outfit!

It's officially getting close to my most favourite time of the year! I'd love to hear where you're all going for you Christmas do's and most importantly, what are you wearing?!  

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Top 5 Advent Calendars

The past couple of Christmas' everyone has gone mad for advent calendars!

Gone are the days where chocolate countdowns are the most exciting thing on a morning in December. Now you name it, and you can probably find an advent calendar which contains it. From prosecco to beauty products, the market has grown so much there is something for everyone.

I have pulled together a few of my favourite calendars which are out now, so no matter what your budget you can be prepared for December 1st.

Not on the High Street

Not on the High Street - £144.95

Prosecco-ho-ho. You name your favourite beverage and let's face it, this year you'll probably be about to find it in a calendar! Not on the High Street are so great for unique ideas and this advent calendar just proves it.

I'm the type of person who in December the first thing I do when I get up is raid the calendar. However, if yours does contain alcohol this isn't something I would recommend. Let's wait til lunchtime at least! Prosecco not your drink of choice? Don't worry Not on the High Street have also got 24 windows for craft beer; gin and even tea lovers!


Lindt - £10

Granted some of the calendars that are out are a bit expensive and might not be everyone's cup of tea. 

Personally, I love a traditional chocolate one and can you really find anything better than Lindt?!

Last year my Mum did extremely well with her advent calendar selection, so no pressure on her but she's got standards to keep high!

This year this there are a few Lindt to pick from and can be bought for a good price at most super markets so make sure you don't miss out!

Yankee Candle

Yankee Candle - £34.99 

I love a Yankee Candle, and my Christmas Memories one has been lit a fair few times this year!

This calendar has 24 doors and gives you a chance to smell this year's Christmas themed fragrances. A perfect, pre Christmas gift for any candle lover, or even if you want to treat yourself and home!


OPI - £44.96

I love OPI. As stated in my previous post, this is a brand that yes, maybe a little more expensive but you absolutely get your money's worth!

The shades which can be seen are perfect for winter and very seasonal with all the reds!

Luckily for you guys this calendar is currently on offer and you can save £24.99! These are mini bottles, however there are 25 of them so they should last you a while!

John Lewis Beauty

John Lewis Beauty - £149

This is another pricey one, however I couldn't help myself and had to feature a big beauty one!

I think it's a great idea when big stores have something like this on offer. With a selection of different brands, it gives you a chance to try new things, alongside some of your usual favourites.

It is expensive at £149, however the contents are worth £300 so think of it as half price!

Do you have a favourite advent calendar? Let me know as I'd love to to hear from you and find out what's behind your calendar's doors!

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Body Shop at Home

A couple of months ago I was approached by a friend who is a Manager for The Body Shop at Home to become a consultant.

Working full time and and blogging in my spare time I wondered when I would actually have time to do it. I found myself umming and ahhing about it for a couple of weeks but then I thought, what have I got to lose!

September was my first full month in the business and it kind of took over! I did my first party and not only that I managed to take over £700 worth of sales! Not bad going for your first month if you ask me! 

Before I took this on, I'm not going to lie I didn't have much of a beauty cleansing routine but after receiving my £45 starter kit I found it hard not to try the products and all the while fall in love with them!

As a Body Shop at Home consultant I am able to offer exclusive offers and discounts to my customers. Alongside these I run regular raffles and even have giveaways!

In the run up to Christmas I am going to be visiting customer's houses where they will be hosting their own Pamper Parties!

Parties are a great way to get all the girls together and receive rewards. When a party reaches £150 worth of sales the host receives £25 to spend for free! Not only that but they also get 70% off any additional products they wish to buy.

As a host, the event will take place at your home and you'll invite your guests, I take care of the rest.

We also have long standing offers including gifts if two of your guests book in for their own parties. This offer gives the host a chance to get these products for just £3 but I am offering to buy these for my hosts if they qualify.

I am also looking to attend fairs and table top sales so if you know of any taking place in Stockport in the run up to Christmas, please do let me know!

If you're interested in hosting your own party or just want to take advantage of the amazing discounts, please get in touch and I can add you to my Facebook group!

Thursday 12 October 2017

25 years

So tomorrow I turn 25 years old. 25... wow I really don't know where the time is going. This year has literally flown by.

I thought I'd mark this birthday with a little post included 25 things that I have learnt in my life. So let's not waste anymore time and get right to it!

1. Volunteering is one of the most rewarding things you can do

Some of you may know that in 2015 I travelled to Tanzania and volunteered with an amazing charity called Raleigh International. It was an incredible 10 weeks from trekking over 250km in 17 days to helping build an early childhood development centre to give children the best start to an education. It was hard work, don't get me wrong, but it was so amazingly rewarding.

2. It's okay to have a job that has nothing to do with your degree

For 4 years I was at university studying Fashion Communication and I've still not got a job in the fashion industry, but that's okay. I really enjoy my job and learn something new everyday so no time is wasted. As long as I'm progressing in my career, I'm happy.

3. Everyone needs to go to Ibiza at least once

I went from never really fancying it, to absolutely loving it and talking about booking a long weekend for 2018. And yes, it will be happening.

4. Hard work pays off

Alongside doing my blog, I have a full time job and I'm a Body Shop at Home consultant. I'm constantly busy but I wouldn't have it any other way and believe me hard work does not go unnoticed.

5. My wardrobe would be empty if Zara didn't exist

Hello, my name is Georgia and I'm a Zara-holic. Like most women, I am obsessed with Zara, and if it wasn't for this store, I'd be able to move through my wardrobe a hell of a lot easier.

6. Travel whenever you can

I'm fortunate that as a child I went abroad every year and as I grow up I want to continue to travel around the world as see as many places as possible. "I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list."

7. Eyelash tinting is a game changer

I'm so fair haired and naturally I have the blondest eyelashes you could imagine. It was only a couple of months ago that I got my lashes tinted for the first time and my god, I will never not have it done now. I can now welcome the occasional no make up day with open arms and not have to worry about people seeing me without mascara!

8. Charity shops are full of hidden treasures

For a couple of months this year I was working at a local Barnardo's store. Before this I'm not going to lie, I turned my nose up at charity shops. But since working in one, I've realised you can literally find all sorts of goodies if you take the time to look. Not only that but you are helping towards an amazing cause, win win.

9. A night out with the girls is always a good idea

Night out, night in. Whichever, there's nothing better than spending time with your favourite gals. Whether you need cheering up a bit, or just want to make your good mood even better, they'll always be there for you and do anything for you.

10. Boys are not worth crying over

Like at all, I know its easier said than done and we have all been there, but do not let them get you down. If they're dumb enough to not appreciate you then let's face it, it's time to say goodbye to that scrub.

11. Don't take your loved ones for granted

With all the terrible events that have happened this year I now try so hard to spend time with my favourite people. Everyone has busy lives, but you should never be too busy to make an effort.

12. Everyone's had a bad haircut

First year of uni, I decided to cut off what for me was a huge amount of my hair. As soon as I got home, I cried. Ever since then I find it hard to trust hairdressers and keep a very close eye on what they're doing. If you're going through that said haircut at the minute, try not to let it get you down and remember, hair grows!

13. Attending a music festival is one of the best weekends you'll have

I've been lucky enough that I've attended a fair few. Parklife, V Fest, T in the Park and Nos Alive in Portugal. Yes its better, when the sun is shining but what's a British festival without a little mud. Yes I did attend T in the Park that year where it didn't stop raining, at all. Just embrace it, and always take wellies.

14. Designer handbags ARE an investment

At this current moment in time, it's just me and my beloved Louis which I got for my 21st. Yes I would love more, and the Givenchy Antigona fund is still going strong. But when I finally have saved enough for that absolute beauty it will be an investment and I don't need to hear that spending £1,500 on a bag is too much...

15. Everyone needs a lazy day

So many times I have woken up at 12pm on a Sunday and felt like I've wasted my day off. But let's face it, we all need one of those days at some point and it is not the end of the world. Unless you're suffering from a horrific hangover and then it might feel like it just a little bit.

16. Do not compare yourself to others

I'm guilty of this one. I often find myself looking at people who have a more successful career than me, who are married or even own their own home. I feel this is something I am getting better at but there is still work to be done.

Everyone has different opportunities, I just need to remember to be grateful for mine.

17. Stay true to yourself

When I was younger I used to care about what people thought about how I dressed. Now, it's the least of my worries and that's whats so wonderful about blogging. Everyone is completely different, but wouldn't it be awful if we all dressed the same.

18. It's worth investing in pricey nail varnish

Throughout the years I have tried so many, and it's always so annoying when after the day you have painted them, they're chipped already. I can always rely on OPI to last at least a five days and that's good enough for me!

19. There's always time to watch Sex and the City

When the show first came out I was far too young to watch it. But after my sister took me to the cinema to see the first film, I was hooked. I know its not completly relatable, no I can't afford their designer clothing let alone, a flat in New York but there's nothing wrong with dreaming.

20. Losing weight makes you feel so much better

Let me take you back to February, I was the heaviest I had ever been and I refused to stay that way! After two months I had lost a stone and finally managed to fit back into so many of my clothes. Since then I have been a little bit up and down but I am determined to keep it up because it's always nice when you can fit in your jeans.

21. It's okay to be obsessed with Harry Potter

Ever since the films came out I have been hooked. J K Rowling made me fall in love with reading and now I love anything that's to do with this magical world and is absolutely not something I am going to 'grow out of'.  

22. Do something that scares you

Last month I went to Edinburgh and in a mad moment my friend and I thought it'd be a good idea to go into the dungeons, even though we hate anything scary. It did however, turn out to be a great experience and I'm so glad I managed to face my fears. Not sure if I'd put myself through another one though!

23. Florida is the most magical place in the World

From Disney World to Universal Studios there is so much magic I don't know where to begin. It is a holiday I would easily go on every year, if I had the funds!

24. Blogging is a great way to express yourself

When I'm writing my blog it all comes so naturally. I love sharing my thoughts and looks and can't wait to talk even more about my future travels and events. I know I've been a bit on the quiet side recently, but watch this space because I aim to be a lot louder now!

25. There's no time like the present

Here's to the next 25 years, of fun laughter and absolutely more travelling!

Sunday 20 August 2017

The One Where I Went to Friends Fest

Last week I got the chance to go on one of my favourite TV sets of all time. Yes that's right, I went to Friends Fest.

With it only being in London last year I never got chance to go along, so when it was announced that Friends Fest was going on the road my mum got us tickets straight away!

I'm not going to lie, I really wasn't sure what to expect, but I was so pleasantly surprised. Overall, the event was only on a small scale but I think that's what made it so good. Everything was close together so you didn't have to walk for ages in the mud (yes it's outside) and no matter where abouts you were on the site you could always see the big screen which played some of the most loved Friends scenes.

Throughout the day we made our way around, dressing up like we were at the Lincoln High Class of 1988 prom to following in the drunken footsteps on Rachel and Ross to that little chapel in Vegas.

We got chance to recreate those oh so famous titles alongside finally getting to try Moist Maker Sandwich, which I did indeed manage to finish. Not only that, we had our photos taken in Central Perk and went on to pick up a coffee while watching a Phoebe Buffet tribute and sang along, obviously out of key to hits such as Smelly Cat.

The only part I would say I was a little bit disappointed at was when you get to visit both Monica and Rachel's and Chandler and Joey's apartments. When you buy your ticket you can book a 30 minute time slot to see these recreated sets. As there are quite a lot of people both in your group and in the one behind you, we felt like this experience was quite rushed. I managed to get a photo everywhere that I wanted to, but I also felt like I had to run around for half an hour in order to do so. Despite this, they have replicated the apartments so perfectly it's hard to find a fault!

Apart from that, I had a truly amazing day and can't recommend it enough. The tour continues but unfortunately unless you already have tickets it might be quite hard to get your hands on some as the official website is currently sold out!

If you are going make sure you have spending money as it's guaranteed you'll want to pick something up at the shop. My Central Perk hoodie is my new favourite thing, but I'm not quite sure it'll make my next outfit post...

For any other information, visit: